| Prof. Dr. Hanzade Açma: Enerji ve Çevre, Yakıtlar ve Yakma Sistemleri, Termal Analiz, Kömürün Yanma Kimyası, Biyokütle Termal Dönüşüm Süreçleri |
 | Prof. Dr. Göktuğ Ahunbay: Multiscale-modeling of separation processes (gas separation, desalination and water treatmeant) , Process Optimization, Computational Materials Design (polymers, MOFs, zeolites), Molecular Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria |
 | Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Atakül: Akışkan Yatak Teknolojisi, Sorbentler ve Sıcak Gazların Kükürtlü Bileşiklerden Arındırılması, Flaş Kalsinasyon Prosesleri, Kömür ve Kömür Teknolojileri |
 | Prof. Dr. A. Tunçer Erciyes: Organik Teknolojiler, Polimer Kimya ve Teknolojisi, Ayırma Teknikleri (Yüksek Vakum Distilasyonu (Moleküler Distilasyon), Çok Komponentli Distilasyon ve Ekstraksiyon) Bitkisel Yağlar, Yağların Kopolimerizasyonu |
 | Prof. Dr. Ayşe Erdem: Zeolitler (Sentezi, İnce Filmlerinin ve Kaplamalarının Hazırlanması, Karakterizasyonu, Uygulamaları), Kinetik ve Kataliz, Membranlar, Isı Pompaları |
 | Prof. Dr. Melek Mümine Erol: Nanocomposite materials, Biomaterials, Bioactive glasses, Tissue engineering, Glass, Glass ceramic and Ceramic Materials, Industrial Wastes |
 | Prof. Dr. Birgül Tantekin Ersolmaz: Membrane Science and Technology, Polymers and Polymer-Based Membranes, Gas and Liquid Separations, Carbon Capture, Polymer Materials, Quality and Accreditation in Engineering Education |
 | Prof. Dr. F. Seniha Güner: Polymer/biopolymer synthesis, characterization and applications, Design of drug delivery systems, Surface treatment of polymers, Flow behavior of polymer melts and polymer solutions |
 | Prof. Dr. Hale Gürbüz: Aplications of crystallization, liquid-liquid extraction, solid-liquid extraction, ion exchange, adsorption, photocatalysis and emulsion technologies for the production, purification and recovery of materials in chemical, food, pharmaceutical production processes |
 | Prof. Dr. Yüksel Avcıbaşı Güvenilir: Biopolymers Synthesis and Applications, Biodegradation, Enzyme Technology (Purification, Characterization, Immobilization), Fermentation Technology |
 | Prof. Dr. Filiz Karaosmanoğlu: Energy Technology; Biofuels; Lubricants; Clean Production Technology; Waste Management; Sustainability Management; Climate Change |
 | Prof. Dr. Sadriye Küçükbayrak Oskay: Thermodynamics and Coal Technology |
 | Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Ersoy Meriçboyu: Flue Gas Desulfurization, Calcination and Sulfation Reaction Kinetics, Sorbent Preparation, Adsorption, Biomass Conversion Technologies, Glass and Glass-Ceramics, Nanofiber |
 | Prof. Dr. Hasancan Okutan: Atıktan Enerji Üretimi; Yakma, Gazlaştırma, Piroliz; Yer Altı Kömür Gazlaştırma; Çözelti Madenciliği; Gaz Arıtım Teknolojileri; Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü |
 | Prof. Dr. Gülhayat Nasün Saygılı: Temel İşlemler, Akışkanlar Mekaniği |
 | Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sirkecioğlu: Synthesis of Zeolites and MOFs; Characterization of Porous Materials; Applications of these Materials in Ion Exchange and Adsorption Processes |
 | Prof. Dr. Melkon Tatlıer: Synthesis of Zeolites and Related Materials; Preparation of Zeolite Coatings for Various Applications; Adsorption Heat Pumps, Their Operation and Simulation; Fractal Analysis |
 | Prof. Dr. Melek Tüter: Biotechnology, Energy Technologies, Organic Technologies, Polymer Technologies, Fat and Oil Technologies, Oleo Chemicals, Plant Enzymes |
 | Prof. Dr. Serdar Yaman: Energy Technologies, Coal, Biomass, Thermal Conversion Processes, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Thermogravimetry |
 | Prof. Dr. Ferhat Yardım: Carbon materials: Activated Carbons, Carbon Foams, Pitch Based Carbon Fibers, Pitches, Fluidized Bed Combustion, Air Pollution, Pyrolysis, Synthetics Fuels |
 | Prof. Dr. Reha Yavuz: New and Renewable Fuel Technology, Adsorption, Activated Carbon Production and Applications, Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Materials |
 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Aydın: |
 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moiz Elnekave: Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse. Challenges over Wastewater Treatment Processes. Conventional and Up-to-Date Treatment Methods. Mass and Heat Transfer Applications on Chemical and/or Non-Chemical Processes and Operations |
 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Genceli Güner: |
 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Devrim Barış Kaymak: Kimyasal Proses Mühendisliği: Kimyasal Proseslerin Benzetimi ve Modellenmesi - Proses Tasarım - Proses Kontrol |
 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Gamze Gümüşlü Gür: Surface Science and Catalysis, Reaction Engineering (Reaction Mechanisms, Reactors, Modelling), Dense Metallic Membranes, Hydrogen Technologies, Reticular Materials |
 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Kızıl: Chemical Imaging of Biomaterials Microstructure, Spectrohistopathology of Cancer, Solution Based Nanomaterials Synthesis, Target-based functionalization of nanoparticles and nanowires, Onchip Nanowire Devices for Nanoelectronics: DNA nanoelectronics and molecular electronics |
 | Asst. Prof. Dr. Özge Kürkçüoğlu Levitas: Mathematical modeling of dynamics of biomolecules and materials; Investigating structure-function relationship of protein/DNA/RNA/ligand complexes; Elastic Network Models (Anisotropic network model, Gaussian network model); Molecular Dynamics, Brownian dynamics; Monte Carlo simulations; Developing new computational methods |
 | Lecturer Dr. Ayşe Arifoğlu: Energy and Environment, Biomass, Activated Carbon, Adsorption, Desulphurization of Flu Gas, Bioactive Glass Production |
 | Lecturer Dr. Nalan Erdöl Aydın: Air pollution and Control, Heavy Metal and Boron Removal from Wastewaters, Biomaterials |
 | Lecturer Dr. Osman Eksik: Graphen Technology |
 | Lecturer Dr. Çiğdem Atalay Oral: Membrane Technology |
 | Lecturer Dr. Cemile Yerlikaya: Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering |
 | Res. Ass. Dr. Yaşar Volkan Arıncı: Environmental Pollution and Food Chemistry |